The Plymouth Land Trust
Plymouth, Connecticut
The Plymouth Land Trust, Inc. is a non-profit 501 c (3) charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Service tax code.
Donations: The Plymouth Land Trust, Inc. is always happy to receive monetary gifts. Our Federal ID # is 23-7090075. Funds are used for trail maintenance, sign installation, boundary markers, surveying, and other costs associated with managing land in perpetuity. An annual membership costs $25.
Make checks payable to “Plymouth Land Trust”.
Outright Donation of Land: Donating land to the Plymouth Land Trust can relieve you of both the tax burden and the responsibility of maintaining the land, while also providing the possibility of substantial income tax deductions and estate benefits. Most importantly, your legacy will be land that is responsibly managed and protected forever for present and future generations.
Donating Land by Will: If you want to own and control your land during your lifetime, but assure its protection after your death, you can donate it to the Land Trust in your will. Please contact the Land Trust before making or changing your will to be sure that the Land Trust is able to accept the gift.
Remainder Interest in Land: You can continue to live on donated land by donating a remainder interest and retaining a reserved life estate. In this way, you can donate the property but reserve the right for yourself or any other named persons to continue to live on and use the property. You have donated to the Land Trust a “remainder” interest in the property. When you or those you’ve specified die or release their interest, the Land Trust will have full title and control over the property.
Every landowner’s financial situation is unique. Please consult your legal and financial advisors for specific tax benefits.
All donations of land must be approved by the Plymouth Land Trust Board of Governors.
How to Donate